Today I wanted to share a quick recipe that is perfect now that we are deep into the heart of summer. Today’s recipe is for Essential Oil Outdoor Spray and is a necessity for anyone who goes outside. Everything in the spray is 100% natural plant extracts, except for the water of course.
If you’re still unsure of what essential oils are and why they work so well- check out my page about these amazing products and why I only trust Young Living- the only oil company I could find that owns all of their farms and owns the entire process from Seed to Seal.
Let’s get started on the recipe! For a travel size spray you’ll need:
- 2 of Amber glass spray bottle
- Witch hazel
- Water
- 5 drops each of the following Essential oils:
- Peppermint
- Thieves
- Lavender
- Stress away
- Lemongrass
- Citronella
Note: I make mine extra strong because I always have issues with those dang outdoor pests coming after me. I also don’t like having to remember to stop and reapply it, so I really want to be sure the scent and beneficial properties last longer. You could start out with a less serious serving of each oil by doing only 3 drops per bottle.
The first step is to put one ounce each of the witch hazel and water into the bottle. The witch hazel acts as a drying agent so you aren’t soaking wet after you apply.
Then add your oils one at a time. Once you get your oils into the bottle put your lid on and shake before use to help mix everything back together since oil and water don’t stay mixed
So how and why does this spray work?
All of the plants that make up these oils have natural properties which detract and dissatisfy pesky skin biters.
We all know why we’re told to buy lemongrass and citronella plants for our yards, and lavender and peppermint plants have similar natural properties, which is why they’re also recommended to be planted near your home. Plus they all smell great.
I added two blends to this spray, Thieves and Stress Away for more of a “deep woods” fix to really make sure I don’t end up covered in red spots later.
Our Stress Away blend not only smells like fresh vanilla, but it has vanilla essential oils on it. Growing up I always knew to dab some vanilla extract on my wrists and neck before I go outside. Plus, stress away has it’d name for a reason; it is an amazing emotional support oil.
Thieves blend contains lemon, clove, and cinnamon. All of these are great for health and wellness and the plants that the oils come from naturally help you stay safe from critters when you’re outdoors. Plus this blend smells like fall, and oh how I wish it was fall!
I spray this in my hair, on my skin and clothes before going outside and I also spray it on after about an hour or two if I’m sweating a lot. Now how many of you can say the outdoor spray you buy in store is safe to apply directly to skin? That it is not harmful to apply to the skin of your puppies and kids (kids under 5 should use a more diluted spray, with only 3 drops each)- probably none at all!
There are several other oils you can use in this spray to replace any of the above oils you do not have, or add to for an extra boost. Alternative oils you can add are:
- Cedar wood
- Purification blend
- Eucalyptus
This spray is perfection. I try to keep a bottle in my purse at all times just in case, and we always have a bottle in our kitchen so when we go do yard work or garden we remember to apply it. Let me know in the comments below if you have tried, or will try, this recipe! I’d love to hear feedback!
Erin says
This sounds great! Thanks. Just a double check, the mix you use (5drops of each) is ok for 2 year olds? Or should I use the 3 drops of each? Thanks, EG
Kristina Barbee says
Hey Erin! I’d dose it down to 3 drops to be safe. Kiddos are more delicate when it comes to oils. Young Living shared some great tips for oil safety with kids-